<aside> ℹ️ The Royal House of Kaharagia is an integral part of the Principality of Kaharagia but it exists legally separate from the Principality and is governed by its own house law. The present house law published below is in effect since promulgated by His Royal Highness The Prince on the 16th of July 2022.


Invocation and Preamble

By the Grace of God, We MAXIMILIAN, Prince of Kaharagia, etc., etc., etc.,

WHEREAS the Royal House of Kaharagia has existed distinctly and independently from the Principality of Kaharagia, with its distinct governing laws and customs for the last twelve years;

WHEREAS the previous statutes that have governed Our Royal House of Kaharagia have become outdated and do not reflect the modern Family and House of Kaharagia;

HAVING heard and knowing the recommendation of Our family members, Our Privy Council, and Our Council of State;

THEREFORE have decreed the following to be the fundamental statutes and house law governing the Royal Family and House of Kaharagia;

Article I: Nature and Membership

  1. The Royal House of Kaharagia, established on the Sixteenth of July in the first year of Our Reign, corresponding with the two-thousand and tenth year since the birth of Our Lord, is an autonomous family community formed and organized based on this House Law. It includes members by birth, members by marriage, and members by adoption.
  2. Members by birth are those descended from the founding Sovereign of Kaharagia, Prince Maximilian. Further articles of this document define other members.
  3. Our Grandmother, Sheilla, and her daughter, Gloria, are considered members by birth, as are any children of Princess Gloria resulting from a legitimate marriage defined in this document.
  4. The wives of Kaharagian Princes shall be members of the Royal House of Kaharagia. Male spouses of Kaharagian Princes or Princesses and female spouses of Kaharagian Princesses shall be considered members of the Royal House, but they shall not take their spouse's title unless conferred by the reigning Sovereign.
  5. Members who marry into the Royal House who then divorce shall no longer be members of the Royal House, nor will they have any titles unless conferred by the reigning Sovereign.
  6. Membership of a person who marries into the Royal House shall have their membership continue through their widowhood as long as they remain unmarried. If they remarry, they must do so in accordance with Article VI and the reigning Sovereign decides if they keep, lose, or receive another title. If they marry without the permission of the reigning Sovereign, they cease to be a member of the Royal House.
  7. Children born to or adopted are members of the Royal House and are titled per this Law of the Royal House.
  8. Any member of the Royal House may relinquish their membership by writing to the reigning Sovereign with their intentions. Doing such also removes them from the line of succession and removes their styles of address and titles.
  9. The Sovereign alone maintains the privilege to make someone a member or remove them as members of the Royal House by decree.

Article II: Titles of Members of the Royal House